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Shaping And Re-Sizing The Chin Can Give The Face A More Balanced Look In Beverly Hills


Shaping And Re-Sizing The Chin Can Give The Face A More Balanced Look In Beverly Hills

Chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the chin by either augmenting or reducing its size and shape. For chin augmentation, we use chin implants to improve a person’s profile and correct a “weak” or recessed chin. Our plastic surgeons also perform chin reduction, which helps refine an overly projected chin and make it more subtle.

What Can Chin Surgery Do?

Improve Overall Appearance And Proportion

Chin implants are designed to mimic a natural bone structure to improve the overall appearance and proportion of the face.

Correct Asymmetry Of The Chin

While fillers can be a temporary fix for a weak chin, chin implants are a lasting solution for anyone looking to correct asymmetry of the face or enhance a weak, recessed chin.

Improve Profile Definition

Chin implants are an ideal way to create a more defined profile and enhance your overall appearance. People with a weak or recessed chin tell our doctors that they have the appearance of a constant double chin or that they lack definition between their jaw and neck. A chin implant can improve the definition between the jawline and neck and give you a strong jaw and an elegant profile.

What Does Chin Surgery Entail?

During a chin augmentation procedure, a small incision is hidden underneath the chin or inside the mouth. A pocket is then created for the individualized chin implant (typically made of semi-solid silicone), which is then placed and positioned in front of the jawbone. Once in place, the implant is secured with sutures. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately one hour.


Contact Us

We believe that the connection between the patient and the provider is at the heart of every successful procedure and look forward to meeting you in person to discuss your goals.

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