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Capsular Contracture Treatment

Capsular Contracture Treatment & Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Capsular Contracture Treatment

Capsular Contracture Treatment & Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Lisa Cassileth specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery and breast surgery revision. With her extensive experience and impressive depth of skill, she has helped many patients find relief from capsular contracture. Dr. Cassileth is dedicated to helping patients feel comfortable and confident in their bodies.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a condition that can occur after breast augmentation. Capsular contracture can cause breasts to rise, become distorted, and make them painful and hard to the touch.

A capsule is the normal scar tissue that the body’s immune system produces to surround a breast implant. This capsule of scar tissue is usually pretty thin, sometimes almost transparent. The capsule should be larger than the implant, allowing the implant to move around inside the capsule pocket. But in capsular contracture, the capsule becomes thicker and tighter, which makes the space for the implant smaller and smaller. As the capsule tightens, the implant rises to a higher position on the chest, making the breast look tight and artificially round, like a baseball. The capsule can get so small that the implant feels quite firm (Baker grade iii capsular contracture). It can even feel hard and be painful (Baker grade iv capsular contracture).

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What Causes Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is caused by anything that leads to inflammation of the capsule, which causes the capsule to thicken and tighten. This complication can occur with saline implants or silicone implants. The cause of capsular contracture varies from patient to patient, and more than one cause may be present in one person. Common reasons include trauma or hematoma (bleeding) around the implant from the initial breast augmentation surgery, bacterial infection and biofilms (a film of cells that grow on inert surfaces), ruptured silicone or remnants of silicone from an old rupture, or patient reactivity to a foreign body. Dr. Cassileth finds that biofilms are more frequently the cause of contracture than initially thought, with as many as half of all contractures associated with biofilms.

Imagine the capsule as a net that contracts and tightens. If the inflammation doesn’t go away or worsens over time, the net gets tighter and tighter. Eventually, the net shrinks to the same size as the implant, trapping the implant so that it can no longer move within the net, becoming hard and immobile.

Preventing Capsular
Contracture From

How Dr. Cassileth obtains a 95% + cure rate:

  1. Remove the affected implant and capsule
  2. Create an internal bra
  3. Treat all biofilms for complete eradication

1. Removal Of The Implant And Capsule

During the capsular contracture surgery, Dr. Cassileth will carefully remove the complete capsule. This can be done with the entire implant still inside the capsule, called “en bloc” capsulectomy, or the capsule can be removed after the implant, called “complete capsulectomy.” Partial removal of the capsule, sometimes called capsulotomy, is not sufficient to cure capsular contracture.

After the capsule is removed, it is biopsied and sent to a pathology lab to test for biofilms, which are low-grade bacteria that live on the surface of the implant and can cause contracture. Dr. Cassileth then looks for any adjacent silicone leakage or other abnormalities in the surrounding breast tissue. All abnormal breast tissue must be removed, but all normal surrounding tissue should be preserved. Next, she uses an antibiotic power-wash to combat potential sources of infection, including biofilms. Finally, an anti-bacterial solution is left within the breast to complete the eradication process.

In your initial consultation, Dr. Cassileth will determine your likelihood of carrying a biofilm. Biofilms are much more likely to be present in patients with capsular contracture.1

Likely biofilm carriers are:

  • Unilateral contracture patients (only one side affected)
  • Patients who had contracture following breastfeeding
  • Patients with a low-grade infection following their initial augmentation
  • Patients who have contracture following dental cleaning or illness.

Biofilm carriers may be more likely to have Bii (Breast implant illness).

2. The Internal Bra

Once the implant and capsule have been removed, Dr. Cassileth creates an internal bra with acellular dermal matrix (ADM). This biomaterial sheeting resists contracture and provides a protective layer between the breast and the implant. The ADM allows the body’s natural reaction to occur: a healthy capsule can form around a new implant and fuse with the ADM, keeping the pocket soft and pliable. It also supports the implants and keeps your breasts in the ideal shape and position. The presence of the ADM further decreases the recurrence rate.

3. Treat Any Infection

After your procedure, you will be kept on antibiotics until the biopsy test results are received from the lab. If bacterial growth is detected, Dr. Cassileth will send you for a consult with an Infectious Disease specialist. You will begin a course of antibiotics tailored to the results of your microbiology tests. If your results are negative (no infection), you will undergo a shorter course of prophylactic antibiotics. Patients at high risk of biofilm, those with unilateral contracture, for example, are often kept on a one-month course of antibiotics as it is common to receive positive test results for biofilms two and even three weeks after the surgery.

Capsular Contracture Recovery

Dr. Cassileth’s capsular contracture cure rate is over 95%, thanks to a thorough approach to treating all aspects of contracture. There is a one-week recovery period, followed by a full month of restricted exercising after surgery. After one month, you may resume all activities. It is advised that you avoid underwire bras for around three to six months after surgery to allow the breasts to relax into the proper position.

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Patient Results

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FAQs About Capsular Contracture

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Capsular contracture is one of the most common complications following breast augmentation, ranging from 2.8% to 20.4%2 or roughly one in six breast augmentation patients.3

No, capsular contracture is not typically dangerous, but it can cause unsightly surface abnormalities on the breast due to contracting scar tissue squeezing the breast implant. Capsular contracture can pose health risks when the capsule is so tight that it ruptures the breast implant.4

In extreme cases, capsular contracture can cause pain in the breasts. Dr. Cassileth uses the Baker scale to rate the severity of capsular contracture. Grades I-III look and feel normal, but grades II and III may feel firmer than a normal breast implant. Grade IV is the most likely to cause pain from constriction, and the breast may appear unnatural in shape.

Patients cannot take preventative measures to avoid capsular contracture; however, some surgical techniques result in fewer instances of developing the condition. For example, implants with subglandular placement are associated with higher instances of capsule contracture.5

Yes. Capsular contracture can only be cured if your entire capsule is removed. Since the capsule encapsulates the entire implant, the implant is removed with the capsule. Once the capsule is removed from the implant, the implant can be placed back into the breast pocket, but in general, Dr. Cassileth prefers to place brand new implants.

Traditional methods of correcting capsular contracture often result in recurrence, but Dr. Cassileth has created revision surgery techniques to solve capsular contracture, resulting in a cure rate of over 95%.

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1 Ajdic D, Zoghbi Y, Gerth D, et al., The Relationship of Bacterial Biofilms and Capsular Contracture in Breast Implants. Aesthet Surg J. 2016: 36(3): 297–309
2 Headon H, Kasem A, Mokbel K. Capsular Contracture after Breast Augmentation: An Update for Clinical Practice. Arch Plast Surg. 2015;42(5):532-543. doi:10.5999/aps.2015.42.5.532
3 ASPS. What is capsular contracture and how can it be treated? Available: Accessed October 27, 2021.
4 ASPS. What is capsular contracture and how can it be treated? Available: Accessed October 27, 2021.
5 Archives of Plastic Surgery. Capsular Contracture after Breast Augmentation: An Update for Clinical Practice. Available: Accessed October 27, 2021.