Tag: breast augmentation

5 Questions to Ask If You’re Considering Breast Augmentation

Deciding to undergo breast augmentation or any plastic surgery procedure is a huge decision. You’re probably (and hopefully!) super excited but also feeling a bit anxious, which is completely normal. When selecting your surgeon, you’ve likely been diligent about searching for someone who is qualified in their area of expertise. You’ve analyzed before and after …

Gummy Bear Implants: Do Cohesive Silicone Gel Implants Feel More Like Real Breasts?

Wondering whether your implants will actually look and feel like breasts? This is one of the most common questions that we hear each year as plastic surgeons. The truth is that each patient typically has a different perspective on whether her implants are realistic, as well as has her own, unique preferences for how firm …

Breast Augmentation: When You Should – Or Shouldn’t – Have Breast Surgery

Whether or not to have a breast augmentation is a highly personal decision, and the reasons women elect to have this procedure performed are as different and unique as the women themselves. However, no invasive surgical procedure is as simple as getting a haircut or a manicure, and while an excellent, board-certified plastic surgeon will …

Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care

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