Category: Uncategorized

How to Detect Ruptured Implants

Caring for breast implants goes beyond the initial surgery. It is crucial to provide proper care and regularly monitor your implants to ensure longevity and detect any potential complications. While rare, implant ruptures are a common concern among breast augmentation and breast reconstruction patients. Whether you have breast implants for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, proactively …

5 Questions to Ask If You’re Considering Breast Augmentation

Deciding to undergo breast augmentation or any plastic surgery procedure is a huge decision. You’re probably (and hopefully!) super excited but also feeling a bit anxious, which is completely normal. When selecting your surgeon, you’ve likely been diligent about searching for someone who is qualified in their area of expertise. You’ve analyzed before and after …

Dr. Cassileth Discusses Exercise After Breast Surgery

Dr. Lisa Cassileth was recently consulted by RealSelf News for her expert opinion on exercise and movement after breast surgery. Dr. Cassileth is known throughout Los Angeles and nationally as a leading board-certified plastic surgeon and she is often featured in the media. She was happy to share her expertise on safely incorporating physical activity …

Big Talk About Breast Reconstruction

Recently the Cosmetic Surgery Times wrote a wonderful and insightful article about the successful Reddit AUA (ask us anything) hosted by our own Lisa B. Cassileth, M.D., FACS, and Kelly Killeen, M.D. In this interview following their lively and popular Reddit Q&A (over 2,100 comments), Dr. Cassileth and Dr. Killeen discuss why women should “expect more” with …

What is the Difference Between a Lower Facelift and a Full Facelift?

People often ask about the difference between a full facelift and a lower facelift (or mini-lift). When assessing the face, surgeons usually think of this area as being divided into 3 general parts: the upper face, the mid-face and the lower face. The upper face consists primarily of the forehead and the brow complex (which can …

Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care

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