Category: Breast Augmentation

5 Most Common Questions About Breast Implant Replacement

Whether you’ve had breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons or breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, the time will come when you need to consider replacing your breast implants. In this article, we’ll answer the five most common questions patients ask about breast implant replacement surgery. Our aim is to provide you with a clear understanding of …

Five Tips for Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation

At Cassileth Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, we take great care to deliver beautiful, natural-looking results for each patient. While there are some breast augmentation patients who are seeking a dramatic transformation, we find that most women want to subtly enhance their breasts. Here are five tips to consider if you are seeking breast augmentation …

Mommy Makeover: Everything You Need to Know

Motherhood is a beautiful and rewarding experience but it can also take a toll on a woman’s body. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can significantly change a mother’s physique, affecting her confidence and self-esteem. For those looking to restore their body to its-prepartum state, you might consider a Mommy Makeover. This blog will explore everything you …

Breast Augmentation Myths

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world, with millions of women opting to undergo this breast enhancement surgery every year. However, despite its widespread popularity, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding breast augmentation that can lead to confusion and uncertainty for women who are considering the …

5 Questions to Ask If You’re Considering Breast Augmentation

Deciding to undergo breast augmentation or any plastic surgery procedure is a huge decision. You’re probably (and hopefully!) super excited but also feeling a bit anxious, which is completely normal. When selecting your surgeon, you’ve likely been diligent about searching for someone who is qualified in their area of expertise. You’ve analyzed before and after …

Everything You Need to Know About Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

It’s all about the technique. The technique used during fat transfer surgery is crucial for a successful outcome. When performing fat transfer to the breasts or any area on the body, we aren’t just injecting it as one giant blob into the site. The plastic surgeon places the fat in tiny passes, like sowing seeds …

Breast Implants: Critical Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

The Smart Patient Questions. There are the obvious questions that most patients know to ask, like, Is the doctor board-certified? – And then there are key questions that the super savvy patients ask. I’ve put together a list of these questions and my responses to share with you. These questions will save you a ton …

Gummy Bear Implants: Do Cohesive Silicone Gel Implants Feel More Like Real Breasts?

Wondering whether your implants will actually look and feel like breasts? This is one of the most common questions that we hear each year as plastic surgeons. The truth is that each patient typically has a different perspective on whether her implants are realistic, as well as has her own, unique preferences for how firm …

Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care

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