Benefits And Risks of Explant Surgery to Remove Breast Implants

At Cassileth Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, we customize every treatment plan because we know that what is great for one patient may not work for another patient. Breast augmentation can be a life-changing procedure that enhances self-esteem. However, as time goes by, circumstances and personal preferences may change, prompting individuals to contemplate the option of breast implant removal. For those patients, explant surgery can restore confidence and give peace of mind.  The breast implant removal journey has its own set of advantages and considerations, encompassing not only physical but also emotional and psychological aspects. Whether you’re curious about reversing a previous decision or seeking to understand the potential consequences, we will walk you through the benefits and risks. You can also feel free to contact us for personalized advice. 

Benefits of Explant Surgery

Possible benefits of a breast implant removal procedure include:

  • More Accurate Mammograms: For some women, breast implants can interfere with the medical analysis of breast tissue. Mammograms scans may be clearer once implants are removed.1
  • Relief from Complications: Complications from breast implants are rare.2 However, if you are among the small group of women who suffer from breast implant complications such as capsular contracture, then breast implant removal can provide permanent relief.
  • Improved Self-Esteem: Breast augmentation can increase confidence for the vast majority of patients.3 But for women who undergo a lifestyle change or simply no longer like the aesthetic of breast implants, explant surgery can boost self-esteem and help them feel more comfortable in their bodies.
  • Peace of Mind: Many women who have had breast augmentation rarely think about their breast implants. Others wonder if they will need to replace their breast implants and some women worry about the possibility of Breast Implant Illness. Explant surgery can provide relief from worrying about possible breast implant outcomes.

Risks of Explant Surgery

When considering breast implant removal surgery, there are two main categories of risk:

  • Surgical Risks: Explant surgery is generally a safe procedure with a short recovery time. However, any surgical procedure carries some risk of complications or side effects. There may be risks associated with anesthesia, as well as common surgical risks such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Our experienced surgeons prioritize patient safety before, during, and after surgery.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Our plastic surgeons are dedicated to helping women feel good about their appearance. The primary concern many women have about explant surgery is that their breasts may look saggy or deflated after having breast implants removed. Women with good skin elasticity are often happy with their appearance after explant surgery. Women who would like more volume may opt for fat grafting while women who are concerned about sagging may have breast lift surgery.

Contact Us

The best way to determine if breast implant removal is right for you is to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our experienced plastic surgeons. We will explain all your options and create a customized treatment plan based on your decision. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

1 Cleveland Clinic. Breast Implant Removal. Available: Accessed July 25, 2023.

2  Lieffering AS, Hommes JE, Ramerman L, et al. Prevalence of Local Postoperative Complications and Breast Implant Illness in Women With Breast Implants. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(10):e2236519. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.36519

3  McCarthy CM, Cano SJ, Klassen AF, Scott A, Van Laeken N, Lennox PA, Cordeiro PG, Pusic AL. The magnitude of effect of cosmetic breast augmentation on patient satisfaction and health-related quality of life. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Jul;130(1):218-223. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e318254b3bc. PMID: 22743886.

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